Gods and Kings Mac crashing constantly I played Civ V on my Mac for hours at a time without problems before Gods and Kings, but now It crashes within 10 minutes of starting a game. First Steam will crash in the background, then Civ locks up and I have to force quit it. Something is wrong with this update. Buy Civilization V: Gods and Kings (Mac) as a Steam Key. The Flagship Turn-Based Strategy Game Returns. Become Ruler of the World by establishing and leading a civilization from the dawn of man into the space age: Wage war, conduct diplomacy, discover new technologies, go head-to-head with some of history’s greatest leaders and build the most powerful empire the world has ever known. Gods and Kings delivers nine new civilizations, such as Carthage, Netherlands, the Celts and the Maya. This robust expansion covers the entire scope of time from founding your first Pantheon of the Gods and spreading religion across the world, to deploying your spies in. Civilization V: Gods & Kings adds more techs, units, buildings, Wonders, and playable Civilizations to Civ V. Tons of New Stuff: 27 new units, 13 new buildings, 9 new wonders, and 9 new playable civilizations.Among the new civilizations are the Netherlands (William I, Prince of Orange), the Celts (Boudicca), and the Mayans (Pacal the Great).
- 948 次查看 0 次下载
- 分类:策略游戏游戏
- 标签:civilizations civilization kings king adds add techs tech buildings building wonders wonder playables playable civilizations civilization civs civ buildings building wonders wonder playables playable civilizations civilizatio
- 时间:2012年06月19日 更新 文件大小: 500 MB
- 开发商:Asypr Media 官网首页
- 支持类型: Mac Mac OS X 10.6.8 or laterCivilization V
- 支持语言:未知
来自Mac App Store官方介绍

Civilization V: Gods & Kings adds more techs, units, buildings, Wonders, and playable Civilizations to Civ V.
- Tons of New Stuff: 27 new units, 13 new buildings, 9 new wonders, and 9 new playable civilizations. Among the new civilizations are the Netherlands (William I, Prince of Orange), the Celts (Boudicca), and the Mayans (Pacal the Great).
- Religion. That's right; quite possibly the most requested major addition to the game is coming in the Gods & Kings expansion. Using the new 'Faith' resource, you'll be able to found your own religion and grow it from a simple Pantheon of the Gods to a world-spanning fully-customized religion.
- Reworked Combat System. The expansion has a reworked combat system along with an AI that places more emphasis on balanced army composition. Among the changes to the combat system is the addition of melee naval units, which will force you to really rethink the way you execute your naval assaults.
- Enhanced Diplomacy, with Espionage. In addition to being able to establish embassies with your rival civilizations, spies will now be an important part of how you conduct your foreign affairs. Surveilling foreign cities, stealing advanced techs, and garnering influence with city-states are some of the things you'll be able to do with this new powerful mechanic.
- New City-States. With religion being added to the game, it only made sense to introduce Religious city-states which will interact with your religion in special ways. In addition, Mercantile city-states will be attractive for those of you who love to grow your civilization's treasury. All city-states will use the greatly expanded quest system, making city-states more dynamic and diplomatic victories more challenging, while decreasing the importance of gold when dealing with city-states.
- New Scenarios. Three new scenarios will be coming in Civilization V: Gods & Kings. Experience the fall of Rome, explore the medieval era, and my personal favorite: a unique scenario in a Victorian science-fiction setting.
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Civilization V: Gods & Kings July 3, 2012 | Andrew Lennox |
Click to enlargeThe beginnings of Religion |
Mac OS X: 10.6.8 | CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo (Dual-Core) | RAM: 2 GB | HD Space: 8 GB | Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 or ATI Radeon HD 2600 or better
The Gods and Kings of our world govern many of us in our lives. These greater and more powerful beings have influenced civilizations in their understanding of the mysteries of life for the past millennia. Without these sovereign and majestic powers, it can be argued that society would not have advanced as far as it has. With the collaboration of Aspyr and Firaxis, players are able to become one of these powerful forces in the newly released Gods & Kings expansion pack for Civilization V.
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This pack is very different from those that have been released in the past. The older add-ons were very limited in what they provided, mostly adding new scenarios, civilizations and maps to the already vast amount available in the retail copy. That’s not to say that previous additions weren’t any good, just that they lacked the depth of content required to breathe new life into the game. If I illustrate this in a metaphor, rather than adding more bedrooms to the house of Civilization V, these previous packages only added new furniture and decor. With Gods & Kings the developers have gone back to the drawing board and renovated the entire house for loyal Civ fans.
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The most obvious addition when you start a new game is the new Religion function. While absent from the original release of Civilization V, it was one of the key features of the previous iteration, Civilization IV. To those users who were very annoyed by the lack of the feature back in 2010, I can definitely say it has been well worth the wait.
When I began my new civilization I immediately started down the path of the religious victory. Like any other way of winning in the game you have to balance your choice with other aspects of your civilization, otherwise you’ll be trampled by your competition. Religion is no different. If you divide your focus in the wrong fashion your surrounding foes might beat you to the post. As soon as the game starts you begin with a new form of currency called 'Faith' to spend on your empire. At the start you have none, with an income of +1 per turn. This limitation is also combined with the restriction to only spend the currency on religious goods such as Cathedral buildings and Missionary units. However, if you choose to establish and develop a religion, you can eventually spend this faith on military units and other items as well.
A tip for those who want to gain faith quickly: As soon as you found your first city, make your people start constructing the ‘Stonehenge’ wonder. It comes with +5 faith per turn. This is 5 times more then the next building that you can create at the start. You might have to suspend your building of your armies a little while, but it is all worth it in the end when your religion tramples the rest in the world.
After establishing my large income of faith early in the game I was the first in the game to make a Pantheon. This is the first belief that you choose for your people, and is like the scaffolding for the religion that you may choose to create. Pantheons are more than just the lead up to your religion. They are in essence a special spiritual power for your empire. Some of these powers allow you to enhance production, defense, offense and culture. The pantheons are unique to your Civilization, which is a great incentive to get in early. If you know your strategy early in the game, then these Pantheons can give you bonuses which can help you achieve victory.
Pantheons aren’t very difficult to obtain and quickly you’ll see your enemies add their on Pantheons as well. It’s the next step where you have to choose whether it’s worth your while. After you gain a substantial amount of faith you will be able to purchase a “Great Prophet”. This addition to the Great Person family, is the main way in the game to establish a religion. When this occurs you will be asked what religion to choose. They cover pretty much every major religion on Earth. But, it must be said that which religion you choose only gives you a different logo. If you choose Buddhism or Christianity it doesn’t have any effect on your religion as you choose your beliefs separately to the name. And even the name can be customized.
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The beliefs that you choose are very similar in their worth, it remains the choice of the player to determine what is most valuable to their civilization. Each new belief that you add to the religion adds a greater power. These beliefs can only be added through another “Great Prophet”, which costs an even greater amount every time one is used. This flexibility of powers and equality of their impact opens up the great part of Civilization, which is a true customization of what you want your civilization to be. Since I was worried about a neighbouring civ, I chose beliefs that enhanced my combat power by 20% in cities which were dominated by my religion. Although I chose the more militant option, these beliefs can also aid other aspects of your civilization.
Once these parts of your religion are established you are basically left up to your own devices to keep it alive and dominant around the world. If you start early it is a definite advantage, but it requires constant work and maintenance in order for it to survive against other fighting religions in the world. It can also lead to an obsession of trying to make sure that yours is the only one in the world. From personal experience this is a tough feat to obtain. I couldn’t do this in my playthroughs. However, with a pure focus on this aspect, it is possible.
Overall, this complex new mechanic is a welcome change. It adds a great enhancement to gameplay. There are no real complaints that I can find from my experience, other than a slight annoyance that this wasn’t introduced in the original release.
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